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Behavior & Training

  • Urine spraying is part of the cat's normal scent-marking behavioural repertoire which also includes scratching, rubbing, chinning, bunting (depositing secretions from head glands on twigs etc., and middening (leaving faeces uncovered).

  • Indoor marking behaviour can be confused with a breakdown in toileting behaviour.

  • Socialisation is the process by which the kitten learns about its own identity, the identity of its own species and the identity of the other species with which it will share its life. Appropriate socialisation enables the kitten to go on to develop relationships with other living beings in its environment.

  • There are many methods of restraining a dog on a lead; from collars to head halters and "one size (or type) does not fit all".

  • Other names include Acral lick dermatitis, and Acropruritic nodule etc. The problem starts with an area of hair loss and reddened skin due to licking.

  • Cats are very territorial animals and they may have problems accepting a new house as their home. If the old house is nearby cats may return to their old haunts and try to take up residence with the new people living there.

  • Cats were once considered to be solitary creatures but we now know many cats are in fact sociable to a greater or lesser degree and thus may benefit from interaction with their own and other species. As a result of this knowledge there has been a move to promote ownership of more than one cat and in particular to encourage owners to take on two cats at the same time.

  • If you know your dog has aggressive tendencies or is concerned in certain situations, then it is irresponsible to risk the health of others by not taking suitable precautions.

  • Ferrets can make good pets. A commercial ferret food is normally recommended, and they easily learn to use a litterbox.

  • The arrival of a new child is associated with a great deal of excitement, anxiety and stress for not only the humans, but also your family pet.